
Te Whakahaumaru Taiao aims to examine exposure to discrimination, harassment and bullying (directly and vicariously) for Māori medical students and doctors...

First article published July 2024

The first paper from the Te Whakahaumaru Taiao study has just been published online - documenting exposure to racism, discrimination, bullying and harassment for Māori medical students and doctors.

The study confirms what Māori medical students and doctors have described for a number of years. We acknowledge all the people who contributed to the survey, and our study advisors.



Here are links to relevant news items, podcasts, commentaries and journal articles that you might be interested in. We will be adding to this list as the project continues. We will also be developing resources in Phase 4 (kia whakamahinga) of the project.

Support services

We understand that this website or aspects of this research project may have brought up feelings of sadness, anger or relief. If you would like to talk to someone about these feelings we have listed some support services that might be able to help.

University of Auckland
University of Otago